Donnie Super D Thompson Strength Preparation kiertue
Donnie on tulossa Suomeen maalis/huhtikuun aikaan. Luvassa on workshopit niin ylä- kuin alavartalon lihashuoltoon ja erityisesti vammojen ennaltaehkäisyyn. Mikäli kiinnostaa niin ottakaa yhteyttä Sakkeen mahdollisimman nopeasti. Yhteystiedot alla. Kiertue kattaa useita Euroopan maita ja Suomeen on alustavasti suunniteltu vain pari viikonloppua. Jos haluatte tämän salillenne ja tienata samalla hieman niin kannattaa ottaa yhteyttä nopeasti.
Ainoa setti Suomessa on CF Kuopiossa !
Donnie Thompson is a famous name in powerlifting. Being the first man to break 2800, 2900 and 3000 pound total barriers he has set history many times. Now retired from powerlifting SuperD has stepped into a new area.
Now he is specialized in injury prevention, how to stay healthy and avoid injuries. His unique methods and practical methods have got great success all over the world. Just because they are easy to use and science based. Something almost anyone can do.
The content of this clinic is ”Strength Preparation!”
Everyone like rehab stuff but I feel that it implies one being injured. Of course athletes and lifters will have walking around injuries they just deal with. The clinic is put together to teach them that there is alternatives that work 100% and it does not require to take drugs or supplements.
At seminars you´ll be doing the stuff he teaches for example the NFL in USA. Seminars include hands on Body Tempering, Target Tempering with the Boomstick and compression therapy to mention some.
No body part is left alone. These include protocols for ankle, shoulders & hips. Imagine you have no lower back pain anymore. Eliminate torn pecs or biceps before they start to bother you. One special target on lower body days are ankles. On this seminar they`ll be made working so good your squats and deadlifts go up and you can run faster and jump than before. Easy to do and effective techniques on how fix problems and keep them away for good.
There is two days and you can attend either both or just by chosen day. The upper body day will be covering pecs, bicep, cervical and neck, triceps and upper back. The second day targets lower back, ankles, knees, hips and abs. Not only you will also be instructed these techniques but also when to use them, how to adjust them to your or your athletes training and when not to do these.
These workshop style seminars are something where you try these techniques on yourself and others. They are meant for athletes of all sports, coaches and professionals on the physiotherapy and massage field.
Donnie is coming to Europe in spring 2017. During his 2-3 week visit in march and april he can be booked to a 1- or 2-day seminar. Book yours now and contact Sakari Selkäinaho at sakke (at) or phone +358-505-354-106 and through Facebook.